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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


Blog 10:20:19 Copyright 2019 David Limrite Artist Teacher Coach Mentor Create Opportunities.JPG

Playing around with the concept of “MIGRATION”. the idea is in its infancy, but I thought I would share a small painted study. Lots to flesh out. So we shall see what happens. Acrylic on Canvas, 10”x 8”. © 2019 David Limrite

“An artist is a conduit for a vision that is as uniquely her own as a fingerprint, and unrecognizable until it happens. Every picture tells you what to do, thats the glory of it.”
Grace Hartigan, Artist

Create Opportunities

I don’t know about you, but for me, making art is all about opportunities. And, the more opportunities I create (and encounter) the better my creativity is. And, the only way I know how to create opportunities, is to make stuff. Lots of stuff. Whatever that is for you.

And, you need to make a ton of mistakes. Remember, mistakes are just opportunities waiting to be learned from and taken advantage of.

So… You create. You show up, begin and stay put until something happens. It is not necessary to know what is next. And, it is most certainly not about the success of the outcome.

Its about making. The doing. The activity. Making a mark, assessing, reacting, choosing, taking a left instead of a right, learning, mistake making, and always keeping an eye out for opportunities. You pay attention to what presents itself during the process of creating.

You create opportunities and discover the answers by the work you produce.

So… Make a lot of stuff and create lots of opportunities.



Figure+Drawing+Figure+Painting+Workshop Classes+Santa+Monica,+CA ©2018+David+Limrite+Artist+Teacher+Coach+Mentor.png

Santa Monica:

Click the date(s) below that you would like to enroll in:

October 24, Thursday | More Details | Enroll
October 25, Friday | More Details | Enroll

November 21, Thursday | More Details | Enroll
November 22, Friday | More Details | Enroll

​Deadline to enroll in the above workshops is this Wednesday, October 23.

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