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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


David Limrite-Artist, Coach, Mentor, Teacher

One of my newly finished “Mourning Gown” pieces. It is 16”x 12”, mixed media on wood panel. I will discuss this new series of pieces in more detail next year. Stay tuned.

“The artist must train not only his eyes, but also his soul.”

~Wassily Kandinsky

Last week I presented a list of 10 questions to help us all clarify our artistic intentions for 2015. Below are my personal and candid answers to my own questions.

1. What does a good art making session look like?

I get totally lost in the process and 4 hours go by in the blink of an eye. It is a bonus if I like what I have done. I am excited about the next session.

2. What do I want to create?

Beautiful, dramatic, powerful, graphic, haunting figurative images. I am currently compelled by the idea and reality of death, considering that I have lost both of my parents in the last two years.

3. Who am I trying to please?

Me. Always. First and foremost.

4. Is it about process or product?

Process! I love the process. Although process would not be nearly as meaningful if it did not occasionally produce an image that I love and am proud of.

5. Which part of the process or product makes me happy?

I love when my eye, my hand and my heart are all in sync with each other.

6. What gets in the way of my creativity?

My laziness. Allowing myself to to get distracted. Fear. I try to create anyway.

 7. When I finish a project, what would I like in return?

When I finish a painting, I would love to love it unconditionally. This rarely happens. I am usually dissatisfied with some aspect of it. But this is what keeps me moving forward and trying to get better and be a better artist. It is not a negative thing. It is always about learning. The next picture is going to be better.

8. What does my level of commitment towards my creativity look like in 2015?

My level of commitment will be extremely high, if I have anything to say about it. Creating art is my passion. It makes me happy. It makes me feel powerful. It is the one area in my life where I feel totally in control. I want to get back to a weekly painting schedule. I want to be out in the studio 5 days a week for at least 4 to 6 hours a day.

9. What will I have to sacrifice?

I will have to watch less TV. Especially sports. I will not be able to use laziness as an excuse. Or fear for that matter.

10. How will I measure success?

The fact that I am creating on a regular basis. My level of excitement will be extremely high. I will be learning new things. I will have created some things that I truly love. I can stand back from my work and say, “That’s me.”

If you have not yet answered these 10 questions about clarifying your artistic intentions, please consider doing so. I hope that reading my answers to these questions inspires you in some way. If you decide to answer these questions for yourself, I would love to hear what you come up with.

Happy New Year,








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