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Weekly Blog on creativity and what it takes to be an artist by David Limrite (artist, teacher, mentor & coach)


Copyright 2016 David Limrite Artist Teacher Coach Mentor Creative Drive

Sketch from my current sketchbook project, mixed media on paper, 15”x 11” Copyright David Limrite 2016

“I still have an insane drive to create and express myself, and it’ll never stop because I don’t know how to stop it".

Graham Nash, Musician

Creative Drive

We are all creative. We all have the creative drive, which is to make our dreams, our visions and our imaginings come alive. Our creative drive keeps us going day after day. Our creative drive is very powerful.

Creativity is defined as the ability to pull things out of oneself and give them shape and form. The artist brings something into being from nothing. And there is nothing more exciting for an artist. 

It starts with the sparks of ideas and continues with several solutions, which then require our artistic drive to put diverse elements together to come up with something exciting and new.

The artist brings forth creations which only previously existed in her mind. These new creations will now exist in real life because of our creative drive.

What begins with ideas and inspirations ends in something new that may be exciting, beautiful, shocking, odd, amazing, emotional or different.

The process of creating is confirmation that an artist is truly alive. The artists creative drive (her energy and spirit for the process) cannot help but show up in the finished work.

Embrace your creative drive and go create.



ELEVATE SLO begins in one week. Only one space left. Is it yours? 


ELEVATE: Artist Mentorship 

Grow. Develop. Evolve. Take your work to the next level. 

San Luis Obispo County, CA | August 22 - December 10, 2016

Just 1 Space Left | Click to enroll | Click for more information

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